

Sketch is a vector drawing application suitable for all designers. Vector drawing is also the best way to design web pages, icons, and interfaces. But in addition to vector editing functions, Sketch also adds some basic bitmap tools, such as blur and color correction.

The characteristic of Sketch software is easy to understand, easy to get started, and for designers with design experience, the entry threshold is very low. For the vast majority of digital product designs, Sketch can replace Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Fireworks.

However, Sketch only supports Macos and other systems cannot experience it.


Software Introduction

Sketch is born for Icon design and interface design. It is a one-stop application with excellent UI. In Sketch, the canvas will be infinitely sized, with each layer supporting multiple fill modes;

Sketch is not a bitmap editing application. If users want to modify a photo or use a brush to draw, it is not recommended to use this software.

Interface: The interface design of Sketch is very simple, and the top toolbox contains the most important operations. You can use the inspector on the right to adjust the content of the selected layer. The window on the left will list all the layers in the file, with the canvas you are creating in the middle. There is no floating panel in Skeich, and the inspector will display the required controls based on the selected tool, so that you can always create on the canvas without being disturbed.

Layer: Layer is the most basic unit of composition in Sketch, unlike other applications that confuse layers and objects. In Sketch, each object has its own layer group and drawing board, which allows you to effectively manage content in Sketch. They are also considered as a group of multiple layers. To add a new coating, you can click the insert button in the toolbar.

Graphics: Sketch provides a variety of basic graphics for you to choose from, such as circles, rectangles, stars, and more. Simply click the Insert>Shape button in the toolbar, select a graphic, and you can start creating. When your logo is dragged on the canvas, Sketch will prompt you for the size of the shape. Release the mouse and the shape will be successfully added. The inspector on the right will also immediately display relevant information about the shape, and corresponding additional options will also appear.


Layer: Layer is the most basic unit of composition in Sketch, unlike other applications that confuse layers and objects. In Sketch, each object has its own layer group and drawing board, which allows you to effectively manage content in Sketch. They are also considered as a group of multiple layers. To add a new coating, you can click the insert button in the toolbar.

Graphics: Sketch provides a variety of basic graphics for you to choose from, such as circles, rectangles, stars, and more. Simply click the Insert>Shape button in the toolbar, select a graphic, and you can start creating. When your logo is dragged on the canvas, Sketch will prompt you for the size of the shape. Release the mouse and the shape will be successfully added. The inspector on the right will also immediately display relevant information about the shape, and corresponding additional options will also appear.

Symbols: Symbols are an important new feature in Sketch 3 that allows you to easily reuse a set of content across multiple pages and dashboards. But they are saved in a certain file and cannot be shared in different files.

Grouping: In addition to basic layers such as graphics, images, and text, Sketch also has some special layer canvases that can help you manage and display exports: the canvas size in Sketch is infinite. You can use infinitely precise resolution independent mode to view the canvas, or turn on pixel mode to view each pixel.

Export: Sketch 3 greatly improves the process of exporting files. When you click the export button in the toolbar, Sketch will list all the layers that can be exported from the canvas, canvas, and slice, allowing you to export some or all of the layers.

It is worth noting that if you select the layers in advance and click the export button, Sketch will default to only export those layers for you.


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