


ONLYOFFICE Documents (English name: ONLYOFFICE Docs) is a set of online office software developed by Ascension System SIA, which can view and edit text files, spreadsheets and presentations without installing any other software. You can also view PDF files, which are compatible with open XML Office documents:. docx,. pptx,. xlsx, and support real-time Collaborative editing by multiple people.


ONLYOFFICE document is a set of online office software developed by Ascension System SIA Company. It can open, read and edit documents, tables and slide files. It is compatible with Office documents in open XML format:. docx documents,. pptx slides,. xlsx tables, and supports real-time Collaborative editing by multiple people.


ONLYOFFICE can be used as a SaaS service or software, or installed and deployed to a Cloud computing#Private cloud server host for internal use in the company. It also provides desktop and mobile client software ONLYOFFICE.




Technically, the technical principle of collaborative office online editing is that the Document Server maintains text documents, spreadsheets and presentation editors, and uses HTML5 Canvas elements to write in JavaScript. 


ONLYOFFICE documents are Open-source software, including community version, enterprise version and development version. ONLYOFFICE documents can be installed on the user's own local or cloud server, integrating the functions of online editor, ONLYOFFICE Collaborative editing, and other common services. The development version allows the integration of online editor development into web applications



Online collaboration function


Document access permission settings

Users can choose full access, review, comment, and read mode access permissions, and can also choose to share publicly. The document access permission setting can be used to prevent others from printing, downloading, or copying files (for read-only and comment access permissions). It can also be used to prevent others from changing sharing settings (for full access permissions).


When using different co editing modes for document collaborative editing, two modes can be used:

· Automatic mode (fast): Automatically save modification traces;

· Manual mode (strict): Only after clicking the save button will the modifications made by the user be synchronized。


Note: When users jointly edit a document in automatic (fast) mode, they will not be able to redo the last undo editing task。




Track changes

Use review mode to control the document modification process. Track changes made by other users and reject or accept them when necessary. As reviewers, users can change the content and formatting of articles, correct spelling, and so on, without the need for actual editing. All modifications made will be recorded and displayed to the file creator.


Version History

When using this feature, users can track all changes in the document. View who made each change and when. Restore to the previous version if necessary.


Document Comparison

Easily compare two documents and view the differences in review mode. You can accept or reject modifications in sequence, or you can click to accept or reject all changes. Merge the modifications made after comparing the documents and save as a new version of the original document.


Effective Communication

In the ONLYOFFICE editor, you can use the built-in chat function for real-time communication. Chat information is only stored during one session. To discuss the content of a file, it is best to use comments, which can be accessed at any time. Users can also Quicksort comments by date, author, or user group.

In addition, users can download and use the Jitsi plugin, which allows them to make phone calls to others using secure video conferencing tools within the editor.



System Compatibility


Mobile applications


The ONLYOFFICE document is also a free office application suite for mobile use on iPhones/iPads and Android phones/Pads. The application is free, advertising free, and there is no purchase within the application. One application has three types of editors with diverse functions. One application can handle text documents, tables, presentations, forms, and media files. Can choose different work platforms:

On local device: Manage documents on the local device and edit them offline。


In the ONLYOFFICE cloud: Access documents and collaborate in the ONLYOFFICE cloud and its connected storage service providers (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)。 

Desktop applications

ONLYOFFICE documentation is also applicable to free desktop office application software packages used in various distributions of Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The software is free, ad free, and no in app purchases. A multi editor application with diverse functions: processing text documents, tables, presentations, forms, and media files, highly compatible with MS Office formats. You can also access online ONLYOFFICE document services or access them on your own cloud server。 





ONLYOFFICE provides a series of comprehensive security tools and services to ensure the security of important data in all aspects. Onsite hosting solutions, encrypted documents and data, custom access settings, connection verification services, and management of access permissions to protect oneself from unauthorized access, data leakage, and internal manipulation.

GDPR compliance

The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is to protect the end users of software and regulate the way companies process their information when conducting business with EU residents. ONLYOFFICE respects the right of users to hold and control their personal data, and in the process of building products, ONLYOFFICE also places great emphasis on compliance with European laws.


HIPAA Compliance

The Healthcare Electronic Interchange Act (HIPAA) requires any organization conducting treatment, payment, and operational work in the healthcare sector, as well as business partners and subcontractors with access to any of their data assets, to protect sensitive patient data in accordance with a recognized set of standards. ONLYOFFICE will protect structured and unstructured data in static and transmission, provide access rights for data audit, provide Data integrity control, etc., to achieve the mandatory attributes defined by HIPAA and ensure that customer organizations fully comply with the Act. 


Access Control


Two factor authentication

In the era of electronic fraud and social engineering, everyone is vulnerable. Improve the security of portal login by moving SMS dynamic passwords. If a user improperly keeps their private password, the confidential data stored in the cloud or server by the user is likely to be easily accessed by third parties.


ONLYOFFICE integrates Clickatell, SMSC, and Twilio services, allowing users to find the SMS package that suits them regardless of team size and budget level. In addition, users can also enable dual factor authentication through code generation applications such as Google Authenticator, Authy, etc.


Single Sign-On (SSO)

By choosing single sign on based on traditional authentication, ONLYOFFICE will not store any login data for the user, and the user can store the data at a trusted global authentication service provider. ONLYOFFICE is a service provider (SP), while third-party applications are identity providers (IdP). Identity providers will verify user identities and carefully store login information to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to login data.


ONLYOFFICE integrates three IdPs to perform single sign on: Shibboleth, OneLogin, and AD FS。


Access Rights Management

With the expansion of business scale and changes in data classification, the threat of malicious internal behavior is also constantly expanding, so it is necessary to distinguish rights。


Users can easily divide user groups and levels in private portals. Portal modules and data access permissions can be set for each user or group to protect specific data from unnecessary attention and internal manipulation.。


Authentication filtering and monitoring

Customize login standards to allow specific frameworks for managing authentication based on your knowledge and concerns. In addition, all activities can be manually monitored and reported to detect potential fraud or harm.


Trusted mail domain. This option allows manual selection of the email server for registering emails. It also supports custom email domains.。

Remote Backup

Remote backup can reduce maintenance costs and save a lot of time, thereby achieving automated security processes. Users can manually or automatically backup data to the ONLYOFFICE document module, or store it in a location of their choice (DropBox, Box, Google cloud hard drive, OneDrive, etc.) or third-party services (AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Storage, or Selectel Cloud Storage). If necessary, you can also use your own local driver for temporary manual backups。


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