

ENVI (The Environment for Visualizing Images) is a complete remote sensing image processing platform that integrates software processing techniques covering input/output of image data, image scaling, image enhancement, correction, ortho correction, embedding, data fusion, as well as various transformations, information extraction, image classification, knowledge-based decision tree classification, integration with GIS, DEM and terrain information extraction, radar data processing 3D stereoscopic display analysis.


The advantages of ENVI

ENVI has the following advantages:


1.Advanced and reliable image analysis tools - a complete set of intelligent extraction tools for image information, comprehensively enhancing the value of images.

2.Professional spectral analysis - hyperspectral analysis has always been a world leader

3.Expand new features at will - the underlying IDL language can help users easily add and extend ENVI functions, and even develop and customize their own professional remote sensing platform.

4.Process oriented image processing tool - ENVI integrates numerous mainstream image processing processes into workflow image processing tools, further improving the efficiency of image processing.

5.Integration with ArcGIS - Since 2007, comprehensive cooperation with ESRI has provided an optimal solution for the integration of remote sensing and GIS.


ENVI Function Overview

We provide professional and reliable spectral analysis tools and hyperspectral analysis tools. You can also use IDL to write extension functions for ENVI.


ENVI expandable module:

l Atmospheric correction module

Atmospheric Correction - Corrects scattering caused by atmospheric aerosols and neighborhood effects caused by diffuse reflection, eliminates the influence of atmospheric and light factors on surface reflection, obtains real physical model parameters such as surface reflectance and emissivity, and surface temperature, and can also classify cirrus and opaque clouds.。

l Stereo image pair elevation extraction module

(DEM Extraction) - DEM data can be quickly obtained from stereo pairs of satellite or aerial images, while also interactively measuring the height of feature features or collecting 3D features and exporting them to 3D Shapefile format files.

l Object oriented spatial feature extraction module

(ENVI EX) - Extract feature information from high-resolution panchromatic or multispectral data based on image spatial and spectral features. It includes a personalized operating platform, commonly used image processing tools, procedural image analysis tools, object-oriented feature extraction tool (FX), etc.

l Ortho correction extension module

Orthocorrection - Provides an image orthocorrection function based on sensor physical models, which can complete orthocorrection of large areas, multiple scene images, and multiple sensors at once. It can output mosaic results, provide tools such as edge lines and color balance, and adopt a process guided operation method.

l Level Radar Processing Extension Module (SARscape)—— provides complete radar processing functions, including a series of basic processing functions such as data import, multi view, geometric correction, radiation correction, denoising, feature extraction, etc. for basic SAR data; The focusing module extends the focusing function of the basic module, adopting optimized focusing algorithms that can fully utilize the performance of the processor to achieve fast data processing; Provide a filtering kernel based on the Gamma/Gaussian distributed model, which can maximally remove speckle noise while preserving the texture attributes and spatial resolution information of radar images; It can generate interference images, coherent images, and ground fault maps. The main functions include: SLC image pair overlap detection, Doppler filtering, pulse adjustment, interference image generation, single column interference image generation, etc; Processing of polarimetric SAR and polarimetric interferometric SAR data; The permanent scatterer module can be used to determine the millimeter level displacement generated by feature features on the ground.

lNITF Image Processing Extension Module (Certified NITF) - Read, write, convert, and display standard NITF format files.


ENVI image fusion

The fusion function of ENVI5SP3 has added a Landsat8 sensor. The GS fusion method is used to fuse 8-band 30 meter multispectral data and 15 meter panchromatic data, which can achieve very good fusion results.

1、Start the ENVI5SP3 software, select File ->Open, and select_ Open the MTL.txt file;

2、In the toolbox, double-click ImageSharening ->Gram SchmidtPanSharpening;

3、In the dialog box, first select the multispectral data file, click OK, then select the full color data file, and click OK;

4、In the PanSharpeningParameters parameter panel, select the sensor type as Idcm_ Oli, select CubicConvolution for the resampling method, and set the output path and file name.



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