Navicat, a leading database management tool, is pleased to announce the release of Navicat 17.1, which includes a series of groundbreaking features aimed at enhancing your database management experience.

New highlights of Navicat 17.1

Enhance the visual query and interpretation function

In addition to existing support for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL, Navicat 17.1 now also supports visual query interpretation for SQL Server and MongoDB databases. This feature enables users to gain a deeper understanding of how their queries interact with the database, helping to identify areas that require optimization or troubleshooting to improve query performance and overall database efficiency.

Expand database connectivity

Navicat Premium and Navicat for Redis versions 17.1 are now compatible with Microsoft Garnet. In addition, Navicat Premium, Navicat for MySQL, and Navicat for PostgreSQL now support PolarDB technology, providing users with greater flexibility and choice in managing database environments.

Explore all the features introduced by Navicat 17.1, from intuitive data analysis tools to seamless synchronization between databases and data models.