When users compare folders, if there are many files in the folder, it will not only increase the time for UltraCompare to read files, but also increase the time for users to filter files.
For this situation, we can use UltraCompare's filter function to compare only important file types in the folder by specifying file types or ignoring certain file types, in order to focus on checking the differences in the target file.
Figure 1: Folder Comparison
一、Import folder data
As shown in Figure 2, after entering the folder comparison mode, click the open button to import the two folders that need to be compared.
Figure 2: Open Folder
二、set filter
1.Only display specific file types
If users already have specific file types that require special attention, they can directly use the "Filter by Name" option in the view function to filter file types.
Figure 3: Filter by Name
After clicking the "Filter by Name" option, as shown in Figure 4, in the pop-up "File Filter", enter the file types that need to be compared for differences in the format of "*. extension". The editor has specified three file types: jpg, png, and xlsx.
Figure 4: File Filter
Next, as shown in Figure 5, in the file comparison panel, only the three file types specified by the editor, jpg, png, and xlsx, will be displayed.
Figure 5: Complete file filtering
2.Ignore specific file types
In addition to specifying file types, users can also filter files by ignoring specific file types. As shown in Figure 6, click on the "Set Comparison Options" function in the UltraCompare homepage menu.
Figure 6: Setting Comparison Options
Next, in the "Ignore Options" section of the pop-up "Current Session Properties" panel, enter the file type to be ignored in the format of "*. extension". The editor has specified three file types: svn, avi, and xlsx.
Figure 7: Input ignore file type
Next, as shown in Figure 8, click the "Refresh" button in the comparison panel to see that the files of types svn, avi, and xlsx mentioned above have been excluded.
Figure 8: Complete file filtering
The above is an introduction to the method of setting UltraCompare filters. Users can use either one filtering method or both filtering methods simultaneously to narrow down the comparison range of folders.