Check out the latest updates on Axure RP, which make prototyping faster. With these new features, you can quickly nest widgets in dynamic panels, easily select items on the canvas, and quickly align within the parent container.

1. Quickly nest widgets in dynamic panels

By using keyboard shortcuts, you can effortlessly nest widgets within the dynamic panels of Axure RP. By drawing dynamic panels around the widget, you can more easily specify its size and how the widget will be placed within it.

The following is its working principle:

Add widgets to the canvas

Press "D"

Draw a dynamic panel containing other widgets while holding down Ctrl or Cmd




2. Easily select widgets on a crowded canvas

Using the "Insert Selection Box" feature, even with widgets, you can start drawing a selection box from any point on the canvas. You will draw a selection box to make it easier to select widgets on a crowded canvas, rather than selecting and moving widgets.

To start:

Place a large widget on the canvas

Place the smaller widget at the top of the first widget

Press the "V" key on the keyboard and notice that the cursor has changed

Click and draw from a point on the first widget to use a selection box to select some smaller widgets



3. Align with parent page or dynamic panel

It is now easier to align objects relative to their parent container, whether it is a page or a dynamic panel. This is particularly useful when using nested dynamic panels or editing widgets on fixed size pages.

The following is its working principle:

Select widgets in the dynamic panel

Use alignment options to align it with the center, middle, or any edge of the container