Where are the plugins installed?

Plugins for Adobe Premiere Pro are located in the MediaCore folder.

Windows MediaCore folder location:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\

macOS MediaCore folder location:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/

Instructions for macOS users...
To navigate quickly to the MediaCore folder:

  • Open the Finder
  • Press CMD+SHIFT+G
  • Copy/Paste the location above and hit 'Go'

How does it work?

Premiere Pro will scan the entire MediaCore folder (including sub-folders) for plugins during launch.

Knowing where your plugins are located on your system is great when you want to manually add or delete plugins.

Managing Premiere Pro plugins comes down to basic file management:

  1. Adding plugin files into the MediaCore folder (or any subfolder) will install.
  2. Removing any plugin files from the MediaCore folder (or any subfolder) will remove those from Premiere.

Plugins have either the PRM extension (Windows) or the BUNDLE extension (macOS)