Function Description

Super Document provides collaborative communication, permission management, and other functions for teams, meeting various needs for team management and document management in different scenarios;

At the same time, the super document will record each version and support long-term backtracking to ensure that the content is traceable.

Management team members

Super documents are visible to all team members by default. For document security reasons, the document operation permissions of team members can be re managed to improve project security and privacy.

You can invite members who are already in the team and grant them [owner, editor, viewer] permissions;


At the same time, you can also set document permissions to 'Authorized users can open documents through links'; Even if the user is a team member and has a super document seat, they cannot open the document without authorization.

Invite to view documents

You can invite others to join the team and view the document content through link sharing or QR code sharing.

Method 1: QR code sharing of documents. You can share the document QR code with the corresponding user on WeChat without authorizing document permissions. After the other party logs in to the Blue Lake account, they can view it.


Method 2: Link sharing, you can invite members to join the team and view documents through link authorization.


View historical versions

When the content of the document is modified, the super document will automatically retain the historical version, record the modifier, modification time, and modification content, allowing you to easily restore the content to any historical version when needed.

Tips: Only users with editing permissions can view and restore historical records, providing secure protection for document data.

Open the history list: In the upper right corner of the document page, hover the mouse cursor over the More button..., select View History Version to open the history list. All historical records are arranged in reverse chronological order and display the corresponding modifier and modification time.



View historical versions: In the history list on the right, the historical records will be arranged in reverse order of modification time. You can find the historical version you want to view in detail based on the modification time and person, and click to view the document content or change details corresponding to that time point.



Restore historical versions: In the history list, click and select the historical version you want to restore, and check the content for confirmation to restore it.

After restoring the historical version, a new version record will be generated in the history.